Personal data protection

Dear customers,

Our company highly appreciates your confidence and puts great emphasis on the protection of your data, including personal data at their processing. The company processes all personal data exclusively in accordance with applicable laws that regulate their protection.

The purpose of this statement is to inform you about the processing of personal data that occurs in connection with our website visits as well as some other cases of personal data processing.


This site uses cookies to improve the functionality of the site. By browsing the site, you agree to their use. In order to ensure the proper functioning of this website, we sometimes store small data files on your device, called cookies. This is a common practice of most websites. These files may also contain personal information in some cases. The transfer of this data to other servers is controlled by the browser used by you. In your browser, you can disable the use of these files, but we do not recommend this because you can significantly limit the functionality of the site.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that a website saves on your computer or mobile device while browsing. Thanks to this file, your site retains information about your actions and preferences (such as language, name, country, identification of a unsigned user to store shopping cart information, etc.) for a certain time, so you do not have to retype it at the next website visit.

How do we use cookies?

This websites is using cookies to remember user settings for the necessary functionality of websites.

How to control cookies?

You can check or delete cookies at your discretion - see for details. You can delete all cookies stored on your computer and set most browsers to prevent them from being stored. In this case, however, you may have to manually modify some settings for each website visit, and some services and features will not work.

How do I refuse to use cookies?

You can use your browser to set how or if you want to use cookies. Most browsers automatically receive cookies as a default setting.


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